Claudia Delgado

Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Coordinator, Basic Mathematics

Claudia Delgado
STEM, Room 405C
Journal Square Campus

M.S., Mathematics Education, New Jersey City University (NJCU)
M.S., Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
B.S., Military School of Engineering, Bolivia

Growing up in a family of educators, Professor Delgado has always revered teaching as a profession. She began her career in 2000 at Saint Andrews University in her hometown of La Paz, Bolivia, where she taught Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. She has been teaching Mathematics ever since. In 2004, Professor Delgado became part of the HCCC family, working as a Math Tutor. A year later, she became a Mathematics Instructor at the College.

Professor Delgado is member of the Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges of New Jersey (MATYCNJ) and the National Organization for Student Success (NOSS). She also taught Mathematics at Union County College and Essex County College.