Tuition and Fees

Students must make appropriate tuition and fee payments or payment arrangements by the payment deadlines listed below. Payments and payment arrangements can be made either in person, online, or over the phone with the Bursar's Office.

Tuition and Fee Estimates for School Year

Tuition and Fees are subject to change.

School Year 2025 / 2026  School Year 2024 / 2025  School Year 2023 / 2024  School Year 2022 / 2023

Payment/Refund Information and Important Dates

You may make payments online, in person, or over the phone. Payments can be made online at the MyHudson Portal.
Username: Your username is the First Initial + Last Name + Last 4 digits of Student ID
Password: Claim your identity on MyAccess to set your own password.

A Deferred Payment Plan is offered to HCCC students, to assist in the payment of tuition and fees and to secure classes for the semester. Students should be prepared to make their first payment before the payment plan becomes active.

You may do so online. Go to the MyHudson Portal.

Click Student Finance> Make a Payment (then, click Create Payment Plan to enter into a Payment Plan*)

  • Students who do not make a payment or payment arrangement by the due date risk having all classes dropped and will need to re-register within the published add/drop period.
  • Students will not be reinstated after the add/drop period has ended.
  • Students who register on Thursday, August 28, 2025, or later will be financially responsible for all charges and will not be dropped for non-payment.
  • Please adhere to the published add/drop deadlines.
  • Summer 1 and Summer ONA: Thursday, May 22, 2025
  • Summer 2 and Summer ONB: Wednesday, July 9, 2025
  • Fall: Friday, August 22, 2025

Students may be eligible for tuition waivers and/or discounted tuition: 

Direct Deposit is the fastest, safest, and most convenient way to receive your refunds. Enrolled students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit with these instructions.

Financial Aid Information

Financial Aid applicants must ensure that all paperwork is submitted before the payment deadline. . To check the status, please log in to Self-Service Financial Aid at Liberty Link.

1098-T Tax Form FAQ's

  • In 1997, the Taxpayer Relief Act established two education tax credits and a deduction for student loan interest. These credits are explained in detail in Publication 970 from the IRS.
  • The 1098-T form is a Tuition Payment Statement that includes information that colleges and universities are required to issue for the purpose of determining a student's eligibility for education tax credits. The 1098-T form issued by Hudson County Community College details payments made for qualified tuition and related expenses charges for the calendar year.
  • This form is intended to assist you or your parents in preparation of your federal income tax return.
  • Note: Just because you receive a 1098-T does not automatically mean you qualify for a credit. If you have questions about how to compute your education tax credit, you should consult your tax professional or refer to the IRS. Your accountant, tax preparer, or the Internal Revenue Service can best advise you in the utilization of this form when preparing your taxes.
**Important Changes beginning with 2018 IRS Form 1098-T Tax Statement**

In years prior to 2018, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year. Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you paid during the year.

Below are descriptions of certain information contained in Form 1098-T which will assist you in better understanding the form:

Box 1 – Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses.  Shows the total payments received in 2019 from any source for qualified tuition and related expenses less any reimbursements or refunds made during 2019 that relate to those payments received during 2019.  (For example, if you were registered/billed in 2018 and were not registered/billed in 2019, however you made payments in 2019, this box may not reflect 2019 payments.)

Most common examples of Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses that are not included:

  • Add/Drop Fees
  • Course Related Books / Book Vouchers / Equipment
  • Deferred Payment Plan Setup Fees
  • Non-Credit Course Fees
  • Other fees (miscellaneous fees not appearing on your bill)
  • Student ID Replacement Fees
  • Transcript Fees

Box 2 – Reserved. Effective for calendar year 2018 reporting, the IRS has required all higher education institutions to report only in Box 1. This box will be blank for all students.

Box 3 – Reserved.

Box 4 – Reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses made in the current year that relate to payments received that were reported for any prior year.

Box 5 – Total amount of any scholarships or grants that were administered and processed during the calendar year for the payment of the student's costs of attendance.

Most common examples the amount reported in Box 5 does not include:

  • Tuition Waivers
  • Student Loans

Box 6 – Amounts of any reduction to the amount of scholarships or grants that were reported for any prior year.

Box 7 – Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses, reported on the current year’s form, but are related to an academic period that begins in January through March of the following year.

Box 8 – If checked, the student was at least a half-time student during any academic period. A half-time student is a student enrolled for at least half the full-time academic workload for the course of study the student is pursuing.

Box 9 – If checked, the student was a graduate student. Since Hudson County Community College does not offer graduate studies, this box will not be checked for any students.

Box 10 – Hudson County Community College does not report this information.

  • You attended the College in the 1098 reported tax year, but you may have enrolled and been billed in the prior calendar year, meaning the information was included in last year's 1098-T, reducing your total eligible payments for this calendar year.
  • The IRS does not require the College to issue a 1098-T form if:
    • Your qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships, or are covered by a formal billing arrangement.
    • You took courses for which no academic credit is offered.
    • You are classified as a non-resident alien.
  • You do not have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) on file with the College. To file a SSN or ITIN, fill out the attached [Substitute W-9S Form] and submit to the Bursar’s Office in person (70 Sip Avenue, Building A - 1st Floor; Jersey City, NJ 07306), by mail or via fax 201-795-3105, no later than February 15. Please do not email the form. Please allow 5-7 business days for processing in order to receive a 1098-T form via mail.
  • If you do not meet any of the exclusions above, and still have not received your 1098-T form (either by mail or after attempting to retrieve it online, per instructions below), submit an email to bursarFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE (from your HCCC email address) with “1098-T Request" in the subject line. Be sure to include your first and last name, student ID and phone number where you can be reached and someone from the Bursar’s Office will be in touch with you within 2-3 business days.
  • You only need to consent once to view or print your 1098-T. If the student does not consent to receiving the 1098-T statement through, it is mailed to the student's permanent address that's listed in the system - postmarked no later than January 31st. Online forms are available by January 31st as well. 
  • Follow the below steps to submit to online consent and view you form online. 
    • Log into
      • Username: First Initial of First Name + Last Name + Last 4 digits of Student ID 
      • Password: Date of Birth in MMDDYY format
    • Click “Liberty Link”
    • Click “Liberty Link for Students”
    • Click “My Financial Information”
    • Click “1098 Electronic Consent”
      • Select “By selecting this option, I agree to receive my official 1098-T Tax Form in electronic format by accessing the web and viewing/printing. I understand that I have the ability at any time to return to this form and remove my consent.” 
      • Click “Submit”
  • Click “View My 1098T Form”

Student Health Insurance

Notice Regarding Student Health Insurance

For Help Logging In

For assistance with logging into the MyHudson portal, please contact the ITS Help Desk at (201) 360-4310 or ITSHelpFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.



Contact Information

Journal Square Campus
70 Sip Avenue, Building A - 1st Floor
Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 360-4100

North Hudson Campus
4800 Kennedy Blvd. - 1st Floor
Union City, NJ 07087
(201) 360-4735