Vendor Opportunities

Purchasing Department

Current Vendor Opportunities

Hudson County Community College seeks competitive solicitations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.50 for the following:

Number Title Closing Date Addendum and Notice
(when applicable)
Request Proposal  


RFP No: 3-19-25 IBV


Insurance Broker and Risk Management Services Vendor


April 1, 2025
11:00 A.M.




Click Here



Slide for more


All proposals must be received at 26 Journal Square, 14th Floor, Purchasing Department prior to the closing date and time.
Contact info: (201) 360-4054

Vendors are encouraged to read The Star Ledger and The New Jersey Journal for publications of legal ads for bid announcements.

The College shall not accept any Bid/RFP that is not on an official bid invitation form.

Bids and Proposals (RFPs) must have an ORIGINAL signature and must be returned to Hudson County Community College. Do not E-Mail or fax your responses.