HCCC EOF Commemorates the Program’s 50th Anniversary

November 19, 2018

The College’s EOF alumni and their accomplishments were celebrated at the event.


November 19, 2018, Jersey City, NJ – The Hudson County Community College (HCCC) Equal Opportunity Fund (EOF) program hosted a dinner marking the 50th Anniversary of the national founding of the EOF. The event was held on Friday evening, November 2 at the HCCC Culinary Conference Center.

At the event, Dr. Chris Reber, President of HCCC, and Jose Lowe, HCCC Assistant Director of EOF, welcomed EOF alumni and their families and friends, as well as HCCC faculty and staff. Knight Ambubuyog, HCCC EOF Program Counselor, shared his experience of graduating from the program and how it has been transformational in his life and career. Brett Pulliam, President of the Equal Opportunity Fund Professional Association of New Jersey, spoke about the ways EOF benefits communities, and presented the College with a New Jersey Senate Resolution recognizing the 50th anniversary of the national founding of EOF.

The EOF affords students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds opportunities to pursue college degrees. While the EOF was created by statute in 1968, it became an integral part of Hudson County Community College after the College was founded in the 1970s. Today, as then, the program focuses on highly motivated students who demonstrate the potential to do college work, but were academically under-prepared in high school, and/or have a history of financial disadvantage. Over the years, EOF has provided academic, financial, and social support to thousands of students.

“Hudson County Community College has always been an institution that assisted those who are disadvantaged to attain a higher education,” Dr. Reber said. “We are proud of our EOF program and its long history of life-changing opportunities and outcomes.”

Additional information about the Hudson County Community College EOF Program may be obtained by contacting the HCCC Center for Academic & Student Success at (201) 360-4180, or emailing eofFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.