Foundation Art Collection - Make a Donation

This image showcases a vibrant and dynamic artwork by Miriam Schapiro, titled "In the Land of the White Owl" (1985). The piece is a fan-shaped collage print, bursting with bold colors, geometric patterns, and intricate designs. The composition is filled with a mix of polka dots, stripes, and abstract shapes that combine to form a mesmerizing visual narrative. At the center of the artwork, a radiant red sunburst creates a focal point, surrounded by diverse textures and elements that evoke a sense of cultural richness and creativity. The fan shape gives the piece a unique aesthetic, blending modern art with traditional motifs. This artwork reflects Schapiro’s signature feminist art style and her commitment to celebrating decorative arts as a form of high art.Miriam Schapiro

Inquiries about Donating Funds to Purchase Artworks

Donor generosity and the HCCC Matching Program for Donor Gifts for the Fine Arts make this fine art collection possible. For every dollar a donor gives for art, the HCCC Foundation and the College each match that gift. To donate, please contact Nicole B. Johnson, Vice President for Advancement and Communications, Hudson County Community College Foundation, 162-168 Sip Ave, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306. nicolebjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE, (201) 360-4069.

Inquiries about Donating Artworks

If you are an artist, collector, or dealer with artwork you wish to be considered by the College Foundation for acquisition, please follow the guidelines below.

  • Submit materials by mail or email only.
  • Include a letter of intent.
  • Send copies (no original artwork) of color printouts (approx. 8” x 10”) or email copies with 300 dpi JPEG files.
  • For each work, please also include the artist’s name, the title of the work, the size of work, the year the work was made, and the medium.
  • Include, if possible, provenance, artist's resume, and press materials.
  • Do not submit original artwork, as the College cannot return items to senders.

Please send inquiries to Andrea Siegel, PhD, Coordinator, HCCC Foundation Art Collection, Hudson County Community College, 71 Sip Avenue, Room 614B, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306, asiegelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.


Contact Information

If you have any questions, or if you would like a tour, please contact:
Andrea Siegel, PhD

Foundation Art Collection Coordinator
(201) 360-4007