Hudson County Community College Offers Advanced QuickBooks Certification Courses for Financial Professionals

January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018, Jersey City, NJ  –  For those who work in the accounting and finance industries knowledge of and proficiency in QuickBooks is a must. Now, they can become nationally certified, make their resumes stand out, and supercharge their careers.

Hudson County Community College (HCCC) is offering a two-part program for becoming a QuickBooks Certified User. The national certification will benefit bookkeepers, accountants, and financial professionals. 

The program is broken down into two 36-hour courses—one for the beginner and the second for the advanced. Each course is completed in nine intensive four-hour sessions.  The program gives even those with no prior QuickBooks experience a deeper understanding of this industry standard software. Inventory, payroll, accounting cycle, and the QuickBooks certification exam are topics covered. Prior knowledge in accounting principles is required.

Classes are held on Saturdays, January 20 through March 24 at the HCCC Journal Square campus. Tuition is $439 for the beginner and $439 for the advanced classes.

The QuickBooks Certification – Beginners (Part 1) course helps provide students who have no prior QuickBook experience with a working knowledge of the system, and leads to certification. Students will explore the basics of QuickBooks, including creating companies, working with vendors and customers, banking, and customization. The $439 tuition includes the book fee.

The QuickBooks Certification – Advanced (Part II) has a prerequisite of significant prior experience with QuickBooks. Students will conquer inventory, payroll, and the accounting cycle. Those who have significant prior experience with QuickBooks are encouraged to enroll directly in the advanced certification class. Students will be ready to take the QuickBooks certification exam after completing this advanced course. The tuition cost of $439 includes exam fee and one retake.

Registration may be handled online, in-person, or by phone. Credit card, money order, cash, or check payments are due at time of registration. Additional information may be obtained by calling HCCC Community Education at 201-360-4246 or emailing communityeducationFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.