Hudson County Community College Announces Sponsorship Opportunities for Sixth Annual ‘Girls in Technology’ Symposium

February 27, 2019

March 28 event brings together STEM educators and professionals who inspire and encourage middle and high school students to pursue STEM studies and careers.


February 27, 2019, Jersey City, NJ – Hudson County Community College (HCCC) Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Development is soliciting companies and individuals to sponsor students’ attendance at the College’s upcoming “Girls in Technology” Symposium.

The sixth annual STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) event will take place at HCCC on Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. During the event, educators and women who work in STEM-related fields will interact with about 200 students from Hudson County middle schools and high schools, providing information on STEM studies and careers. The agenda includes roundtable discussions, demonstrations, student presentations, and a variety of hands-on activities.


Sixth Annual Girls in Technology Symposium


In addition to the students, almost 100 school administrators, faculty, educational partners and staff participate in the event.

“For centuries women played important roles in what we now refer to as STEM fields, but they were not always acknowledged or appropriately recognized,” stated HCCC President Dr. Chris Reber, noting that STEM jobs were once viewed as men’s jobs. He said statistics show that today, women are underrepresented in STEM careers and leadership, comprising only 25% of the country’s STEM workforce and earning only 41% of the Ph.D. degrees in STEM fields.

Studies from around the world emphasize the value women add to STEM, bringing different perspectives and approaches that are essential to creativity and innovation. “This symposium continues to be important in inspiring and encouraging young women to consider pursuing STEM careers, which is key to the social and economic growth of Hudson County. We hope our community will join us in supporting the attendance of students at the event,” Dr. Reber said.

Sponsorship opportunities for the event range from $75.00 (breakfast, lunch and all materials for the day’s activities for one student) to $3,000.00 (breakfast, lunch and all materials for the day’s activities for 40 students). Sponsors will be acknowledged in the event program and all marketing materials.

Complete details on sponsorship may be obtained by contacting Lori Margolin, Dean of Continuing Education and Workforce Development, at 201-360-4242 or emailing LMargolinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.