Hudson County Community College Alumni Association to Host an Atlantic City Bus Trip

May 24, 2018

May 24, 2018, Jersey City, NJ - Hudson County Community College’s Alumni Association welcomes all HCCC alumni to join in on a bus trip to Atlantic City! No matter of when you have graduated from the college you are welcome to join other graduates on a fun day trip to AC. The trip is only open to Alumni of HCCC.

The group will meet in front of 70 Sip Ave. at 8:30 a.m. on June 9, and depart from Atlantic City at 5:30 p.m. that day. The cost of the trip is $30. Please register at

For more information please contact Jennifer Oyola at 201-360-4005 or email joyolaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.