July 10, 2024
July 10, 2024, Jersey City, NJ – The Hudson County Community College (HCCC) Foundation invites area residents, professionals
and business leaders to participate in its 22nd Annual Golf Outing. Dedicated to the
memory of Philip Johnston, the event will take place on Monday, July 15, 2024 at Forest
Hill Field Club in Bloomfield, NJ. Proceeds will provide scholarships for deserving
HCCC students and contribute to the growth and development of the College. Members
of the community are invited to participate.
The Golf Outing itinerary includes Check-In from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.; Continental Breakfast from 8:30 - 10 a.m.; and Shotgun Start at 10 a.m. Guests can enjoy a cash game on the Par 3 Hole and challenge a Trick Shot Entertainer. Cocktails, lunch, awards, and a raffle drawing will follow at 2 p.m. As a special feature of the event, HCCC students who are Foundation scholarship recipients will participate in a golf clinic.
Pictured here from the 2023 Foundation Golf Outing, the late Philip Johnston (center) and members of his Foursome.
A range of sponsorship opportunities are available, including Lunch Guest only ($150); Hole Sponsor ($500); Individual Golfer ($550); Cigar Sponsor ($1,000); Hole Sponsor with Foursome ($2,700); Welcome Gift Sponsor ($3,000); Golf Cart Sponsor with Foursome ($4,200); Scorecard Awards Sponsor with Foursome ($4,200); Cocktail Sponsor with Foursome ($5,200); Food and Beverage Sponsor with Foursome ($5,200); Tournament Sponsor with Foursome ($7,700); and Student Golf Clinic and Lunch ($10,000). Those who cannot participate in the event may donate any amount to support HCCC students.
Philip Johnston, who passed away in December 2023, served as a member of the HCCC Foundation Board of Directors beginning in 2000, and was Chair from 2010 to 2012. He was a supporter of the HCCC Foundation Golf Outing since its inception in 2003. As a member of the Forest Hill Field Club, Mr. Johnston secured the club for the Foundation’s golf events. His company, Johnston Communications (now JC Solutions), created the College’s fiber optics network during the 1990s that enabled HCCC to grow and thrive. Mr. Johnston served on the board of directors of the local Pioneer Boys and Girls of America, West Hudson/South Bergen Optimist Club, and HCCC Foundation’s West Hudson Fundraising Committee.
“Philip Johnston’s 23 years of support, generosity, and commitment to the College, our Foundation, faculty, and students is a vital part of his legacy,” said HCCC President Dr. Christopher Reber. “Proceeds from the Annual Foundation Golf Outing that he created furnish scholarships for deserving students. The event also helps acquaint and equip students with the social capital that will one day provide access to seats at decision-making tables.”
Established in 1997, the HCCC Foundation is a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) corporation that provides tax-exempt status to contributions. The Foundation supports and promotes the College and its students by building awareness and developing financial resources. In keeping with its vision that all Hudson County residents should be afforded the opportunity to acquire a college education and enjoy the lifelong benefits of that education, the Foundation provides scholarships for students, seed money for new and innovative programs, stipends for faculty development, capital to assist the College in its physical expansion, and resources to address basic needs of HCCC community members and students beyond the classroom. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded close to $4 million in scholarships to deserving students.
HCCC Foundation scholarships provide student recipients, many of whom are also working and caring for families, with opportunities to achieve their goals and dreams. One recipient, who graduated summa cum laude in May, wrote: “The impact on me of the HCCC Foundation’s scholarship is more than just making education affordable. This scholarship opened the door for me to not just dream of higher education someday. It allowed me to pursue higher education today. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the donors of the HCCC Foundation.”
For sponsorship opportunities, brochure, and tickets visit https://www.hccc.edu/community/foundation/events/golf-outing.html. For more information, please contact foundationFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.