Hudson County Community College Center for Distance Education Expands Course Offerings and Increases Number of Sessions per Semester

September 17, 2013

JERSEY CITY, N.J. / September 17, 2013 - Residents and business people interested in pursuing a degree or certification from Hudson County Community College (HCCC) via online studies now have more opportunities to do so.

Dr.  Jennifer Dudley, Dean of Non-Traditional Programs for the College, announced that HCCC has expanded the online course offerings to include nearly 60 purely online and hybrid courses. Additionally, the number of times when individuals may begin online courses has doubled — from four times a year to eight.

“We want individuals to know that when they opt for online or hybrid courses from the HCCC Center for Distance Education, they are receiving the exact same instruction and coursework they would receive if they were taking face-to-face classes here,” Dr. Dudley said. “HCCC online and hybrid courses are taught by the same qualified instructors, meet the same rigorous standards, with credits every bit as transferable as all other HCCC classes. Plus, students enrolled in online courses may also be eligible for financial assistance.”

The HCCC online and hybrid courses are completely mobile and may be accessed and taken via computer, smartphone and tablet. The courses include various classes in Accounting, Anthropology, Art History, Biology, Nutrition, Business Law, Food Service Sanitation, Culinary Arts and Hospitality Industry, Computers & Computing, Macro- and Micro-economics, Composition, U.S. History, Introduction to Film, Humanities, Literature, Marketing, Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology and much more. Students may fulfill the mandatory student orientation online as well.

“The College has made a significant investment of time and capital in the Center for Distance Education’s faculty, staff and technologies so that we could grow our online and hybrid course offerings and make it easier for students to learn,” stated HCCC President Dr. Glen Gabert. “We know that for many individuals, these classes provide the best opportunities to work towards a degree or certification at times that are convenient for them, and without the bother and expense of commuting.”

Dr. Gabert stressed that in addition to 24/7/365 technical help desks, the College’s Center for Distance Education also offers 24/7/365 online tutoring. Offerings from the College’s Center for Academic & Student Success are also available through the Center for Distance Education, including the one-credit “College Survival Skills” course which helps prepare students to succeed academically and to make informed study and career decisions.

Information on for-credit studies may be accessed at and prospective students are urged to register now as the “Fall B” session begins October 28.

Hudson County Community College’s Center for Distance Education also offers more than 300 noncredit courses online. Information on these classes, their costs and availability may be found at