December 16, 2020
December 16, 2020, Jersey City, NJ – Hudson County Community College (HCCC) Foundation Chairman Joseph Napolitano, Sr. reports that donors, the HCCC Culinary Arts chef professors and students, and HCCC staff made the 23rd Annual Holiday Gala a great success.
The virtual fundraising event, “Gala @ Home,” was held on Thursday evening, December 3rd. To date, $154,950 has been raised to provide scholarships for deserving students. Donors received a basket filled with a gourmet dinner prepared by chefs of the award-winning HCCC Culinary Arts Institute. The baskets contained cold seafood, antipasto, assorted cheeses, breads and crackers, a two-entrée dinner, desserts and beverages.
Pictured from left: Ara Karakashian, Acting Associate Dean, Business, Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management Division; HCCC President Dr. Chris Reber; College Lecturer Marissa Lontoc; Dr. Nicholas Chiaravalloti, Vice President of External Affairs & Senior Counsel to the President; and Mirta Sanchez, Assistant to the Vice President for Planning and Development at the dinner basket pickup station at the College prior to the HCCC Foundation Annual Holiday Gala.
HCCC President, Dr. Chris Reber, and Dr. Nicholas Chiaravalloti, Vice President of External Affairs & Senior Counsel to the President, opened the online event with a welcoming toast.
“Many donors have reported that although they missed meeting in person, they thoroughly enjoyed this year’s ‘Gala @ Home’,” Dr. Chiaravalloti stated.
“We are grateful to everyone who participated in the Gala, and to all who worked to make it a success,” Dr. Reber said. “The strong support for our students is especially appreciated at this time.”
Mr. Napolitano introduced the HCCC Foundation 2020 honoree, Paul Dillon, HCCC Associate Dean of Business, Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Management. It was noted that Dean Dillon’s leadership has propelled the HCCC Foundation Gala to be recognized as one of the most spectacular and enjoyable events in Hudson County.
Tickets for the Lucky Odds Raffle are available for $50 each and may be obtained by contacting Mirta Sanchez at msanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE no later than Monday, February 15, 2021. The grand prize is 40 percent of ticket sales; second prize is 6 percent; and third prize is 4 percent.
The Hudson County Community College Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation providing tax-exempt status to contributors. Established in 1997, the Foundation generates financial support for the College and its students, develops and awards needs-based and merit scholarships, provides seed money for faculty programs, assists incoming students in achieving academic success, and provides for the College’s physical growth as well as the cultural enrichment of Hudson County residents. Since its founding, the Foundation has raised more than $3.5 million in scholarships. The Foundation Art Collection, which was established in 2006, now includes over 1,250 works – most by nationally and internationally renowned artists.