The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Passport Program (DEISPP)

Discover Your Path to Cultural Competence and Inclusivity with DEISPP!

Embrace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion! Join us at Hudson County Community College for the transformative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Passport Program (DEISPP). This innovative program, supported by the OSHE/OMIC grant, is specifically designed to navigate through the pressing challenges of our times including the emotional impact of COVID-19 and social unrest.
DEISPP Completion Certificates
DEISPP Equity Leader Ribbons.
DEISPP Balloons
DEISPP Group Photo with Faculty, Staff and Students.
DEISPP Family Group Photo
Madeline Dyer DEISPP
Faculty, Staff, and Students in discussion in DEISPP.
Veronica Gerosimo presenting for DEISPP.
Student engagement in DEISPP
DEISPP Faculty, Staff and Students assembly.



  • Short and Impactful:
    • Our 8-week intensive program fits seamlessly into your semester, making learning deep yet manageable.
  • Dynamic Content:
    • From Implicit Bias to Advocacy in Action, our curriculum is tailored to build real-world skills that matter in today’s diverse society.
  • Flexible Learning Options:
    • With a proven track record, our online sessions have maximized student engagement and completion rates—73% of participants successfully complete the program!

Your Journey Through DEISPP

  1. Start with Orientation:
    • Get introduced to the goals and structure of the program.
  2. Explore Key Topics:
    • Dive into areas like Provilege, Microaggressions, and more through interactive workshops.
  3. Engage and Reflect:
    • Participate in discussions that encourse introspection and foster personal growth.
  4. Advocate and Act:
    • Learn how to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios to advocate for equity and inclusivity.
  5. Conclude with a Roundtable:
    • Share your insights and experiences in a collaborative environment.

Achievements and Recognition

  • Increased Engagement:
    • Since its inception, DEISPP has seen a marked improvement in enrollment and completion rates, thanks to our continuous optimization of content and delivery methods.
  • Dynamic Content:
    • You’ll be part of a community that values safety, acceptance, and support in all educational spaces.
  • Flexible Learning Options:
    • Celebrate your achievements with a ceremony at the end of the program, and hear from inspiring speakers like Professor Christopher Cody.


NOTE: The DEISPP Application link will be coming soon! Please check back periodically to see when it becomes available.

Make a Difference — Join DEISPP!

Whether you’re looking to enhance your cultural competence, contribute to a more inclusive community, or simply meet and collaborate with like-minded peers, DEISPP is the place to start. Our program not only equips you with the knowledge but also celebrates your progress and completion in a meaningful way. 

Apply Today! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your understanding and skills in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Slots fill up quickly, so be sure to secure your place in our next cohort and take the first step towards becoming a proactive part of the change you want to see in the world.

Join DEISPP and be a part of shaping a culturally competent future. We’re excited to welcome you on this journey of growth and discovery!

DEISPP's Evolution

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Student Passport Program (DEISPP) at Hudson County Community College (HCCC) exemplifies the evolution of student educational programming in response to contemporary challenges.

DEISPP was designed to foster cultural competence and support introspection and growth among students. The curriculum covers: 

  1. Orientation
  2. Implicit Bias
  3. Privilege
  4. Microaggressions
  5. Unlearning Social Constructs and Relearning
  6. Inclusive Language and Allyship
  7. Advocacy in Action
  8. Wrap-Up Roundtable 

In response to the compounded emotional impacts of COVID-19 and social unrest, HCCC launched DEISPP. This grassroots initiative was supported by the OSHE/OMIC grant, which enabled leaders to engage in participatory action research. This research facilitated the integration of best practices into the recruitment, retention, course content, and outreach strategies of the program. Initially, DEISPP was a 10-week pilot program that quickly transitioned into an 8-week intensive format during its second iteration in the same season.

Following extensive revisions, particularly in the utilization of Canvas, HCCC’s Learning Management System, the fall cohort saw a significant increase in both enrollment and completion rates. From 33 initial applicants in spring, the fall cohort expanded to 72, with a completion increase from 3 to 34 students.

Throughout 2022, the program experimented with different delivery modes to better gauge student engagement and retention. The spring cohort resembled the initial enrollment, but the fall semester tested both hybrid synchronous and online asynchronous formats. The asynchronous model proved more effective, achieving a 69% completion rate compared to the 46% of the hybrid model.

In 2023, DEISPP was offered exclusively online, responding to the positive feedback and higher completion rates of the previous online format. This semester marked the program's highest completion rate yet, with 44 out of 60 students completing the course, translating to a 73% success rate.

Over the course of its implementation, DEISPP has significantly improved in terms of student engagement and completion rates. The program has become a cornerstone of HCCC’s mission to create safe, inclusive, and supportive educational spaces. Moving forward, the program continues to adapt and evolve, ensuring it meets the needs of its diverse student body effectively.

Out of the Box Podcast - The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Passport Program (DEISPP)

October 2023
Joining the President for this session are Veronica Gerosimo, HCCC Assistant Dean of Student Life and Leadership, Amaalah Ogburn, HCCC Associate Director, North Hudson Campus, Instructor, and Campus Coordinator and Gerardo Leal, HCCC alum to discuss the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Student Passport Program (DEISPP).

Click here


Contact Information

Office of Institutional Engagement & Excellence
71 Sip Avenue - L606
Jersey City, NJ 07306