Secaucus Center

Welcome to the Secaucus Center!

The college’s Secaucus Center is located on the Frank J. Gargiulo Campus of the Hudson County Schools of Technology (HCST), a stunning 350,000 square foot vocational/technical school set on 20 acres in Secaucus, NJ. The facility houses 70 leading-edge classrooms and progressive features such as a hydroponic garden, a broadcasting studio with functional control room, and a 120-seat black box theatre, in addition to green roofs, wind turbines, and geothermal heating. The center also provides plentiful free parking and is within walking distance of the Secaucus Junction train station.

The unique partnership between HCST and HCCC provides access and opportunities to a college education for both the high school students attending High Tech High School through the Early College program as well as for the general public in the evening when the center opens its doors to all students, offering general education classes as well as those that meet the requirements of the Liberal Arts General and Business Administration degrees. To search for classes at the Secaucus Center, click here and under “Location” select “Secaucus Center (High Tech)”.

How to get started with the Early College Program

These are the steps that will help you get started with the Early College Program

Click here to access the application form.
Download the Student Agreement form here.

Obtain the signatures required on the student agreement form (yours and those of your Guidance Counselor and parent/guardian).

Submit the completed form to the Hudson County Community College offices at High Tech High School, or e-mail to secaucuscenterFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.

Our staff will contact you to schedule with additional information.

Two smiling Hudson County Community College staff members at the Secaucus Center Open House, seated behind a branded table with event materials and a welcoming display screen.

The Secaucus Center is staffed from 9am until 10pm, Monday through Friday when classes are in session, and from 9am until 6pm during intersessions.
Staff includes the Executive Director, Program Assistant, and a Student Success Coach to assist with any advisement needs. All evening courses are taught by HCCC faculty and most will also satisfy General Education requirements.


Contact Information

Secaucus Center
Frank J. Gargiulo Campus of the Hudson County Schools of Technology
One High Tech Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
(201) 360-4388