Hudson Online Policies


Course Content

Students are responsible for checking all course content promptly.


Attendance is recorded for online courses. Good attendance is a requirement for providing financial aid to students.  In an online course, students are recorded as present for the week if they have posted to a graded discussion or submitted an assignment or quiz; simply logging in is not sufficient.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is central to the pursuit of education. For students at HCCC, this means maintaining the highest ethical standards in completing their academic work. In doing so, students earn college credits through their honest efforts. When awarded a certificate or degree, they have attained a goal representing genuine achievement and can reflect with pride on their accomplishment. This is what gives college education its essential value.

Violations of the principle of academic integrity include:

  • Cheating on exams.
  • Reporting false research data or experimental results.
  • Allowing other students to copy one's work to submit to instructors.
  • Communicating the contents of an exam to other students who will be taking the same test.
  • Submitting the same project in more than one course without discussing this first with instructors.
  • Submitting plagiarized work. Plagiarism is the use of another writer's words or ideas without adequately crediting that person. This unacknowledged use may be from published books or articles, the Internet, or another student's work.

When students act dishonestly in meeting their course requirements, they lower the value of education for all students. Students who violate the college's policy on academic integrity are subject to failing grades on exams or projects or for the entire course. In some cases, severe or repeated instances of academic integrity violations may warrant further disciplinary action.


Online etiquette ("netiquette") is essential, and we must respect one another at all times. Students should keep in mind the following when posting to discussion boards and communicating with classmates and Instructors.

  • Never write discussion posts IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • On the Internet, writing in caps may be considered equivalent to yelling at someone.
  • The use of profanity is never acceptable in an academic environment.
  • The online course environment is not a place to send junk mail or chain letters to classmates.
  • Please only communicate with your instructor or classmates on course issues.
  • Remember that a "tone" can be misinterpreted in an email because the recipient does not benefit from viewing body language; therefore, avoid sarcasm.
  • Keep in mind that once an email is sent, what you have said is in writing forever. Flaming is the expression of extreme emotion or opinion in an email or class posting.
  • Flaming occurs when anyone in a course, Instructor or student, is verbally abusive in discussions or an email.

If students find themselves in this type of situation, they should email their instructor directly with their concerns. Students who are guilty of flaming may be removed from their courses.


Hudson Online Technology Requirements
To have an excellent online course experience, you will need:

  • Access to a decent computer or laptop
  • High-speed Internet
  • Webcam (usually built into newer laptops, for some courses)
  • A headset/mic (for some courses such as speech)

Technology issues

If a student has technical issues, it is their responsibility to contact their instructors and inform them of the situation. This, however, is not a valid excuse for not participating in a discussion or submitting an assignment on time. Students are advised to have backup technology plans in the event of this occurring. Please note that if students meet the qualifications, they can apply for a loaner computer.

For help with technology issues, please contact IT Help Desk itshelpFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE%2C%C2%A0or you call 201-360-4310

Grievance procedures

Please refer to the Student Handbook