Why Choose Access?
• Budget-Friendly Tuition
• Group and One-on-One Academic Coaching
• Virtual Financial Education
• Customized Lesson Plans
• 90-Day Post-Program Support Services
• Community Partner Engagement Events
• Peer Mentor Support
• VR Career Exploration Lab
• Access Alumni and Parent Advocacy Groups (Coming Soon!)
Eligibility Requirements
- Ages 17-24
- Must be diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability.
Program Coursework
- Life and Coping Skills
- Work Readiness Skills
- Digital Literacy
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
Career Planning
- 1:1 Person-Centered Planning Sessions
- Career Exploration
- Community Linkages
- Academic and Workforce Pathways
Tuition Fee includes a laptop, all course materials, and supplies!
The Accessible College and Continuing Education for Student Success (ACCESS) Program
is a 15 coursework pre-college/workforce transitional program based on a differential
learning structure. After the 15 week we connect you with program pathways while continue
to be there for guidance and support. The courses will teach Fundamental Life Skills/Student
Success, Work Readiness, and Computer Literacy (Microsoft Word, Excel Training, and
PowerPoint). This program is for youth with an intellectual or developmental disability
between the ages of 17 and 24.
15-Week Program
- Topics change on a rotating cycle.
- Mondays and Wednesdays are interactive lecture days.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays are hands-on, practical days to apply lessons.
- Fridays are career awareness/exploration days through virtual reality.
- Topics include:
- Life and Coping Skills
- Digitability; simulated financial literacy
- Computer Basic Skills
- Digital Literacy
- MS Excel Basics
- MS Word Basics
- MS PowerPoint
- Career Planning
- Work Readiness Tools
- Career awareness/exploration through virtual reality
Program Eligibility
- NJ State Resident.
- Must be between the ages of 17-24.
- Must be diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability. (Documentation
- The applicant must possess adequate emotional and independent stability to fully engage
in all aspects of the program coursework and campus environment.
- The applicant must exhibit the capability to embrace and adhere to fair regulations
and treat others with respect. Please note that the program lacks the resources to
oversee students with challenging behaviors or administer medications.
Program Details and Cost
When: Accepting applications now for February/March 2025
Weekdays and Class times: Monday through Thursday (10AM - 12PM) | Friday (10AM - 12PM and 12:45PM - 2:45PM)
Price: $3500*
The ACCESS Program is partially funded by College-Based Centers for Adult Transition
* Includes 15 weeks of instruction and practical lessons, 1:1 Coaching Sessions, 1:1
Career Advising Sessions, group sessions, counseling and vocational guidance, classroom
materials, technology, and certification upon completion of the program.
Note: Coach and Career Advisor are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(schedule subject to change during summer season).
Please note you must DOWNLOAD the application below and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill out the form. Filling and submitting the application with the Submit button through your browser
WILL NOT submit your application. After filling out the application, you may either use the Submit button at the end
of the PDF file, or attach your completed application in an email that is to be submitted
Application Form (English) Application Form (Spanish)
Questions? Contact us!
Contact the Center of Adult Transition at catFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE or call (201) 360-5477.