Veterans Programs

Hudson County Community College is honored to provide services and educational opportunities, both degree and non-degree, for those who have served our country as members of the military.

Our VA Approved Training Programs

Program Calendar

The Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) calendar is divided into four terms: Summer (July and August), Fall (September – December), Winter (January – March), Spring (April – June). Because of the nature of CEWD programming, start dates for the different courses vary.


More detailed information can be found in our Catalog of Veterans Training Approved Programs or contact us at cbiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE.


It is the student’s responsibility to attend class. If a student is absent, the student is responsible for making up the work missed. Absence is not an excuse for being unprepared. In order for an absence to be excused, the student must bring in official documentation. Three unexcused absences automatically places a job-training student on probation. Excessive absences may result in termination from the program and does not constitute a withdrawal or entitle the participant to a refund. The program coordinator works closely with the instructors who alert her as soon as a student is absent so she can follow up in a timely manner. Absences are reported immediately to the College’s veteran certifying officer.


The School of Continuing Education and Workforce Development follows the College Community Standards for students as described in the HCCC College Catalog. The Division reserves the right to dismiss from the program any student who does not follow or respect the policies that protect the well-being and safety of the College community.  Dismissals are reported immediately to the College’s veteran certifying officer.


CEWD students are eligible for the same support resources as credit students such as tutoring, writing, and disability accommodations.


Any student found responsible for violating any of the regulations or policies of Hudson County Community College may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Verbal Warning
  • Formal Written Warning
  • Fines and/or restitution
  • Mandatory participation in an educational program
  • Disciplinary Probation: Such status indicates that any future policy violations may result in more severe sanctions and/or suspension or expulsion from the College.
  • Suspension: Student is prohibited from enrolling in classes or being on College premises for a specified period of time.
  • Expulsion: Student is permanently prohibited from enrolling in classes or being on College premises.

CEWD understands the many challenges that face adult learners. Students who drop or are dismissed from the program are welcome to reapply at a future date and must follow the same application process.


On a case-by-case basis, CEWD will evaluate any prior learning experience a veteran can provide and apply it to all or part of the training.


Payment plans are available for programs that cost $1,000 or more.  A $500 deposit and a $50 non-refundable payment plan fee is due at registration and the balance must be paid in full before taking final exams or skills assessments. 

The College makes every effort to ensure our classes run. We reserve the right to combine, reschedule, change the time, date, or place of courses, and to make other revisions as necessary due to insufficient enrollment. The College reserves the right to cancel classes without incurring obligation.

Senior Citizens aged 65 years or older who present a valid ID may receive a 10% discount on select courses. Registration must be in person the first time using this service. Discount does not apply to classes over $999.


Non-attendance to a class or program does not constitute a withdrawal, nor entitle the participant to a refund.


Contact Information

Continuing Education and Workforce Development
161 Newkirk Street, Suite E504
Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 360-4247