FAFSA Updates and What You Need to Know



FAFSA Updates: Key Changes and Simplifications

  • The FAFSA has been streamlined to reduce the number of questions students must answer.
  • The result of the FAFSA is now called the Student Aid Index (SAI). This replaces the former terminology called the Effective Family Contribution (EFC). The SAI, like the EFC, is used to calculate need-based financial aid.
  • FAFSA simplification aims to make the application easier for more students and their parents by making the new form available in at least 11 languages.


Frequently Asked Questions

Contributor is a new term used as part of the FAFSA process for 2024-25.

  • A contributor is anyone who is required to provide information as part of a student’s FAFSA submission.
  • A contributor can be a student’s biological parents(s), step-parent, adopted parent(s) or student’s spouse.
  • The term “contributor” means the individual contributes information to the student’s FAFSA.
  • It does NOT mean the individual will contribute to the student’s educational expenses.

The answers provided in the FAFSA will determine if contributors are required to provide information in the FAFSA.

  • For students who are dependents of parents, a contributor can be biological parent(s) or adopted parent(s).
  • If parent(s) are divorced, the contributor is the parent and step-parent if applicable who provides the majority of the student’s financial support.
  • If the student is married, the spouse is a contributor if the 2022 federal income taxes were not filed jointly.

If your FAFSA requires information from contributors and they will not provide information in the FAFSA, the result is an incomplete FAFSA and the student is not eligible for federal student aid.

Students and contributors who are reporting tax information as part of their FAFSA submission must provide consent for Federal Student Aid Programs to retrieve their federal tax information from the Internal Revenue Service.

Failure to provide consent will result in the student being ineligible for federal student aid.


Below you'll find resources about the FAFSA changes.



Contact Information

Financial Aid Office
Phone: (201) 360-4200 / (201) 360-4214
Text: (201) 744-2767