
Introduction to GIS

This course offers students a thorough understanding of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), encompassing key concepts, applications, and software platforms. It delves into spatial data acquisition, management, analysis, and visualization techniques. Students will investigate diverse GIS applications across fields such as environmental management, urban planning, infrastructure analysis, human geography, and business analytics. Practical learning is reinforced through hands-on exercises and case studies, aimed at developing both theoretical knowledge and real-world skills.

Students Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Utilize GIS software platforms for spatial data analysis, management, and visualization. Apply spatial analysis techniques to address real-world problems in environmental management, urban planning, and infrastructure analysis.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in importing, managing, and preprocessing spatial data from various sources. Conduct environmental assessments, infrastructure analysis, and demographic studies using GIS tools and techniques.
  • Design and create thematic maps based on principles of cartographic design.
  • Understand advanced concepts such as 3D city modeling and LIDAR data processing, and their applications in GIS.
  • Use Community Analyst and Business Analyst tools to conduct community assessments and business analytics.
  • Communicate effectively through visual representations of spatial data and analysis results, and create story maps.

Schedule Lecture Topics

Orientation, description of course intent, schedule, expectation from students.

  • Introduction to GIS
  • Over of GIS concepts and applications.
  • Introduction to GIS software platform and workflow (e.g., ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, Community Analyst, Business Analyst, Geo-Apps. Etc… )
  • Understanding spatial data types (vector vs. raster)
  • CAD to GIS and vice versa
  • Hands-on exercise: Basic navigation in GIS software

Spatial Data Acquisition and Management

  • Sources of spatial data (remote sensing, GPS, surveys)
  • Data formats and standards (shapefiles, GeoTIFF, KML)
  • Data quality and preprocessing techniques
  • Hands-on exercise: Importing and managing spatial data in GIS software.

Spatial Analysis Fundamentals

  • Spatial relationships and operations (buffering, overlay, proximity analysis)
  • Introduction to spatial statistics
  • Geoprocessing tools and workflows
  • Hands-on exercise: Performing basic spatial analysis tasks.

Environmental Applications of GIS

  • GIS in environmental management and conservation
  • Spatial modeling for environmental assessment
  • Case studies of environmental GIS projects
  • Hands-on exercise: Analyzing environmental data and creating suitability maps.


Human Geography and Urban Planning

  • GIS in urban planning and development
  • Demographic analysis and spatial patterns
  • Transportation and infrastructure planning using GIS
  • Hands-on exercise: Analyzing urban data and planning scenarios.


Human Geography and Urban Planning

  • GIS in urban planning and development
  • Demographic analysis and spatial patterns
  • Transportation and infrastructure planning using GIS
  • Hands-on exercise: Analyzing urban data and planning scenarios.


3D City Modeling and LIDAR Data Processing

  • Introduction to 3D city modeling concepts
  • LIDAR data acquisition and processing for 3D modeling
  • Techniques for extracting buildings and terrain from LIDAR data
  • Hands-on exercise: Creating 3D city models and extracting features from LIDAR data.


Infrastructure Analysis, Environmental Sustainability, Community Analyst, and Business Analyst

  • Advanced infrastructure analysis using GIS
  • Introduction to environmental sustainability concepts
  • GIS applications in pollution analysis and monitoring
  • Carbon footprint assessment using GIS
  • Introduction to Community Analyst and Business Analyst tools
  • Hands-on exercise: Analyzing infrastructure data, conducting environmental assessments, and using Community Analyst/Business Analyst tools.
  • Self-reflection: As part of the final assessment, students are requested to compose a one-page reflection. In this reflection, they are encouraged to share their perspectives on the class, including what they found most valuable, aspects they wished were emphasized more, and their thoughts on applying the acquired skills in industry settings. This practice aids in tailoring the class to better meet students' needs.


Certificate distribution for successful completion of the course

The course will take place on Saturdays and Sundays for  week online, with a Certificate of Completion provided upon completion of the course.

Days: Saturday and Sunday
Dates: TBA
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT
Location: Online

Registration link coming soon.


Contact Information

Dr. Azhar Mahmood
263 Academy Street, Room S605C
Jersey City, NJ 07306

(201) 360-4259