Our Services


This logo features three human figures depicted in different colors (purple, teal, and gold) embraced by a large hand. The circular design with the text “HCCC Mental Health Counseling & Wellness” conveys care, community, and support for mental health and wellness.


Services Provided

Once you are a student and registered, you are entitled to our free services.

Individual counseling is performed by a licensed mental health provider or a supervised Graduate level clinician. You can have 6-12 short-term sessions either in person or virtually through a confidential video conference platform. During this time, your provider will use different therapeutic modalities to help you accomplish your individual goals.

If you are in psychological crisis please call 911 or go to the local emergency room.

Help 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741-741

The following is a Mental Health tool. It is not intended for diagnosis and/or treatment. It is for educational purposes ONLY.

The design prominently features the letters "MHA" in a clean blue font, accompanied by a swooping orange ribbon that crosses the logo diagonally, symbolizing hope and progress. Below, the text "Mental Health America" is written in a lighter blue font, emphasizing the organization's commitment to promoting mental wellness across the nation.

In addition to our clinical services, we will also be initiating an ongoing HEALTH AND WELLNESS program throughout the year. Please periodically check the HEALTH AND WELLNESS section of this website for upcoming activities such as: Wellness Fairs, and other providers’ highlights.

The following are examples of support groups and workshops the college provides to both students and staff:

  • Psycho-Educational Workshops – Obtain information on mental health challenges, physical health, and well being.
  • La Hermanidad, The Sisterhood – A monthly series in which we empower women within higher education through storytelling. A safe space where women, and those who identify as women, are encouraged to share, reflect, educate, and start to heal through their experiences.

You will work with the Mental health Counselor on a plan to address your needs and we will provide referrals either within the college or the community. We have connections with medical providers.

Mental Health Counseling and Wellness Center is available to conduct outreach, consultation, and preventative programs for Hudson County Community College faculty, staff, and students with sufficient notice (minimum 3 weeks). Additionally, we offer workshops, presentations, tabling, and participation in campus-wide events.

If you feel your student organization, class, or faculty/staff community would benefit from such programs, please complete the following on-line outreach request form.

Outreach Presentation Request Form


TalkCampus 24/7 live peer to peer support - Free to HCCC students!
The logo displays the word "TalkCampus" next to a stylized “T” symbol, composed of bold geometric shapes in teal, coral, and white. It represents a platform encouraging connection and open dialogue about mental health.
Talk about anything you want judgement free with a peer volunteer. It’s safe and anonymous. Volunteers are located all over the world and speak every language.
This split image portrays contrasting emotions. On the left, a silhouette of a happy person with text: "I love meeting up with friends and I’m the life and soul of the party." On the right, a dark figure expresses the message: "...but sometimes, my depression feels overwhelming." It highlights the duality of public persona versus private struggles, encouraging users to seek support via TalkCampus.
TalkCampus will virtually train a small number of HCCC students on how to support someone through active listening and conveying empathy.


Mental Health Counseling and Wellness Events

We offer Wellness events, Support groups, and Workshops!

Please visit our Involved Page for up-to-date information.

This collage showcases multiple logos. "Safe Space" with its rainbow circle symbolizes inclusion. The "JED Campus Member" logo highlights mental health advocacy for students. The green ribbon represents mental health awareness, and "Proud to Be Stigma-Free" encourages an environment free from judgment.

September 29, 2022
Attitudes in Reverse, In Their Shoes Exhibition

March 12, 2021
Social Work Panel
Password: mW7k5XpH

November 30, 2020
Domestic Violence Zoom Conference


Current HCCC students and graduate level students are eligible to apply for internship opportunities at the Mental Health Counseling and Wellness Center.
  • Current HCCC Student / Human Services Major
    • HCCC, with approval from the program, can participate in the TalkCampus volunteer training program, which will require them to participate in various training events online, review material, and take quizzes. You will learn how to be an active listener, be supportive in a non-judgmental way. You will know how to chat via social media. Once approved, you will start to post on the TalkCampus website, a live interactive community that globally supports college students.
  • Social Work Majors (Graduate Level)
    • Social work interns from accredited programs with a contract with HCCC can complete a full-time internship; a licensed clinical social worker will supervise them. During their placement in MHWC, they will have the opportunity to provide individual short-term Counseling, co-facilitate support groups, learn how to document, and use an electronic medical records system. The chance to develop Mental Health events such as suicide prevention, mental health awareness, domestic violence, dating abuse, etc. There will be an opportunity to participate in the TalkCampus Volunteer training program, if interested.

Fordham University

Fordham University's Social Work Program

Fordham University’s Social Work program prepares students to engage effectively across all areas of social work throughout their career. Fordham has developed a future-focused curriculum that provides students with the tools and skills that are grounded in theory and ethics. Our curriculum is designed to transform students into a highly competent, integrated practitioner who has the tools to succeed in every setting.

Click Here

Montclair State University

Montclair State University’s Master Social Work Program

The Montclair State University MSW program prepares leaders in social work practice with children, youth and families in a diverse local and global society. The program aims to prepare advanced practitioners to provide a range of clinical and advocacy services to vulnerable children, adolescents and their families. Graduates will promote the well-being and functioning of their clients by engaging in ethical, culturally-competent and evidence-informed practice, and by demonstrating a strong commitment to social/economic justice.

Click Here

New Jersey City University

NJCU Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program

The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program gives students the knowledge and skills to succeed in the social work field. The BSW program will prepare students for generalist social work practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The BSW program emphasizes social justice for underserved and/or vulnerable populations. Students who obtain the BSW degree may apply for a Certification in Social Work with the State of New Jersey.

Click Here

New York University

NYU Silver offers training in clinical social work which includes a focus on direct practice with individuals, families and groups. The core mission is service for and empowerment of those who are most vulnerable, marginalized, othered, and excluded.  With a strong commitment to social justice and emphasis on research, the Silver School offers degree programs at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels.

Click Here

Rutgers University

Rutgers University School of Social Work

Rutgers University School of Social Work, NJ, is one of the largest social work programs in the nation. It is ranked in the top three undergraduate programs in the US. It provides 1000+ diverse field placements locally and worldwide, thanks to partnerships with public agencies, local nonprofit organizations, foundations and socially active corporations. Six active centers and institutes engaged in research, teaching, and public service on issues related to families, addiction, and domestic violence. Wide-range of faculty research including the development of evidence-based screening and intervention tools, comprehensive assessment of child-welfare involved youth, and the creation of data hubs to monitor human services professionals.

Click Here


Testimonies from our former MSW interns.
Karla Levine

Karla Levine

MSW | Human Services/Pre-Social Work AS Graduate, 2018

"The social work curriculum along with the internship helped me to gain skills in the field and excel in my undergraduate and graduate studies. I loved my time at HCCC so much that I came back to do my graduate internship with the Mental Health Counseling and Wellness and was able to see how much the staff and faculty care for their students."

William Anthes

William Anthes

MSW '22

"I have a passion and a background in physical fitness and through my own healing, my interest in learning more about how psychology, philosophy, and physical fitness can mesh together, and a desire to have more clinical, professional, ethical, and therapeutic relationships with my clients, I realized NYU’s MSW program would align nicely."

View Profile

 This informational graphic features a stylized blue head with floating dots, emphasizing mental health awareness and literacy. The poster invites staff, faculty, and students to join training programs like QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) and Mental Health First Aid, underlining the importance of collective efforts in creating a stigma-free community. It includes collaboration logos of QPR Institute, New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund,


CONFIDENTIALITY: Rights to privacy and confidentiality are taken seriously. Communications between the counselor and student are privileged, confidential, and safeguarded by our staff. Counseling records do not become part of educational history. Counseling information is not released to anyone outside of the Counseling Center without a student's written permission. We will not release your records unless we have written consent. However, there are four exceptions to confidentiality: (1) Imminent harm to yourself, (2) Imminent harm to others or property, (3) Abuse of children, the elderly, or the disabled, and (4) Staff consultation and supervision.


Contact Information

Mental Health Counseling and Wellness Center
Journal Square Campus

70 Sip Ave., 3rd Floor
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: (201) 360-4229
Text: (201) 912-2839

North Hudson Campus
4800 JFK Blvd., 7th Floor
Union City, NJ 07087
Phone: (201) 360-4229
Text: (201) 912-2839