How to apply for Federal Work Study (FWS) Student Employment


To apply for Federal Work-Study (FWS), follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): The first step in applying for FWS is to complete the FAFSA form. The FAFSA determines your eligibility for various types of financial aid, including the FWS program. Make sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding your financial situation.
  2. Contact the financial aid office for further instructions on the FWS application process. They will guide how to proceed and what documents may be required.
  3. Submit additional documentation, if necessary: The financial aid office may request additional documentation to verify your eligibility for the Federal Work-Study program. This could include income statements, tax returns, or other relevant financial documents. Ensure to promptly provide these documents to avoid any delays in the application process.
  4. Explore available FWS positions: The Financial Aid office will direct you to a webpage listing available FWS positions. These positions can be on-campus or with approved off-campus employers. Review the job postings, considering your interests, skills, and academic schedule.
  5. Apply for FWS positions: Once you have identified FWS positions that interest you, follow the application instructions for each position. This may involve submitting a resume, completing an application form, or attending an interview. Tailor your application materials to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Complete the Federal Work-Study Application Form.
  6. Secure a position: If your application is successful and you are offered a Federal Work-Study position, accept the offer within the designated timeframe. Be prepared to discuss work schedules, expectations, and any necessary paperwork with your employer.
  7. Complete employment paperwork: Before starting your FWS position, you must complete employment paperwork, such as tax and work authorization documents. These requirements may vary depending on your country and institution.
  8. Begin working and manage your FWS funds: Once all necessary paperwork is completed, you can begin working in your Federal Work Study position. Managing your FWS funds responsibly is important, balancing your work commitments with your academic responsibilities.


Contact Information

Financial Aid Office
Phone: (201) 360-4200 / (201) 360-4214
Text: (201) 744-2767