Art Director, Animator, 3D Modeler, Compositor, Visual FX Artist, Video Editor, Illustrator, Game Design, Character Design, Graphic Designer, Web Developer, Interactive Design, Photographer, Photo Retoucher
The Computer Arts program will prepare you for continued study and professional work in various areas of Art and Design including Digital Imaging and Photography, Graphic Design, Interactive Design and Web Development, 3D Digital Design including 3D scanning and 3D printing, Digital Video, and Animation.
Aminah Chaudhary was Valedictorian of her class at HCCC and continued to the Bachelor of Fine Arts Program at NJCU, graduated Summa Cum Laude and has started a successful career.
The A.F.A. program in Studio Arts - Computer Arts prepares students for continued study and professional work in various areas of Computer Art and Design including graphic design, web design, digital video and animation. This degree option includes some core studio arts requirements as well as both foundation and intermediate level computer arts courses, art history and general education. Students completing the A.F.A. Computer Arts option will have completed all or most requirements needed to transfer to a Bachelor's level program at a senior institution.
Complete CSS-100
CSS-100 College Student Success |
Complete the following groups:
ENG-101 College Composition I |
ENG-101 College Composition I |
COMPLETE ENG-102 with section ART
ENG-102 College Composition II |
COMPLETE ONE COURSE FROM: CSC-100 MAT-100 MAT-114 MAT-123 BIO-100 BIO-120 CHP-100 ENV-110 or SCI-101.
Complete 1 Social Science or Humanities Elective.
ART-115 Art History I |
ART-125 Art History II |
ART-120 Survey of Contemporary Art |
Complete the following requirements:
Required Courses
Complete 1 course Studio Art or Computer Art Elective.
Jeremiah Teipen
Professor/Coordinator of Computer Arts
71 Sip Avenue (Room L520 | Division Office L420)
Jersey City, NJ 07306