Faculty and Staff Directory

Name / Title Program / Office / School Email Phone Building Office
Sirhan Abdullah
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Health Services, Medical Assisting and Medical Billing/Coding
Nursing and Health Professions sabdullahFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5342 Building F 203
Leymi Abreu
Tft Administrative Assistant, Human Resources
Human Resources labreuFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4079 Building A N/A
Antonio Acevedo
Associate Professor | Coordinator, History, Political Science and American Studies
Humanities and Social Sciences aacevedoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5350 STEM 505B
Gilma Acosta
Administrative Assistant
Facilities gacostaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4048 Student Center 09
Jose Acosta
Custodial Supervisor
Facilities jacostaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4727 Student Center 010
Bernard Adamitey
Assistant Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics
Eric Adamson
Assistant Professor, English
English eadamsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4748 Building C/D 112
Andy Adler
Assistant Director, Advisement Student Services Operations
Advisement aadlerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4178 Building A MOD #4
Suhani Aggarwal
Accounts Payable Officer
Controller’s Office saggarwalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4055 Building X 13
Tahrier Ahmad
Administrative Support Specialist (ESL)
English as a Second Language (ESL) tahmadFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4384 Gabert Library 320
Sheila Marie Aitouakrim
Associate Director of Financial Aid - North Hudson Campus
Financial Aid saitouakrimFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4209 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 105E
Faisal Aljamal
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Cybersecurity
Felicia Allen
Administrative Assistant
Enrollment Services fallenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4112 Building A n/a
Marselly Almanzar
Academic Counselor
Advisement malmanzarFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4167 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 105F
Ivy Altamirano
Student Retention Specialist
Nursing and Health Professions ialtamiranoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4755 F 110
Cristhian Altamirano
Associate Director for Early College Programs
Early College Program caltamiranoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5331 Building J 106
Maribel Alvarado-Bikai
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid mbozogluFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4203 Building A 204
Joyce Alvarez
The Center for Business and Industry Coordinator
Continuing Education and Workforce Development jsalvarezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE
Mark Amaker
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) mamakerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4327 Building X 4
Robin Anderson
Associate Professor | Coordinator | Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Elementary/Secondary Education, Infant/Toddler and CDA
Humanities and Social Sciences randersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4295 Gabert Library 520
Larry Anderson
Admissions Recruiter
Enrollment Services landersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4609 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 1st Floor
Dorothy Anderson
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences dandersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4684 Gabert Library 320
Analyne Aponte
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership lrivera6433FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Fiona Approo-Johnson
Executive Director, Enterprise Applications (Ellucian)
Information Technology Services (ITS) fjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4331 Building A 308
Karina Arango
Student Success Coach, Academic & Workforce Pathways Program
Continuing Education and Workforce Development karangoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5463 Culinary Conference Center 506
Ilya Ashmyan
Executive Director of Engineering and Operations
Facilities iashmyanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4693 Student Center 09C
Sandra Aviles
Administrative Assistant
Information Technology Services (ITS) savilesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4332 Building A 308
David Ayoub
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) Building X 4
Dalisay Bacal
Administrative Assistant
Continuing Education and Workforce Development dbacalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5327 Culinary Conference Center 504
Alison Bach
Associate Professor, English | Chair of the General Education Committee | Coordinator, Film/Humanities/Music/Philosophy
Academic Foundations abachFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4738 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703J
Daisy Baiza
Administrative Assistant
Pamela Bandyopadhyay
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs pbandyopadhyayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4186 Building A 423
Jeanne Baptiste
Instructor, English
Academic Foundations jbaptisteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5352 Building C/D 112
Annie Barran
Instructor, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions abarranFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4788 Building F 118
June Barriere
Administrative Assistant
Student Affairs jbarriereFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4602
Rimsha Bazaid
Career and Transfer Coach
Career and Transfer Pathways rbazaidFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5478 Building A 302
Anita Belle
Assistant Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Continuing Education and Workforce Development abelleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5443 Culinary Conference Center 504
Salim Bendaoud
Professor, Biology
Gary Bensky
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
Business, Culinary, Hospitality gbenskyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4632 Culinary Conference Center 304D
Marian Betancourt
Student Success Coach, NJRC
Continuing Education and Workforce Development mbetancourtFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5450 Culinary Conference Center 505
Lisa Bogart
Director of NHC Library
College Libraries lbogartFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4724 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 303A
Alexandra Bonano
Advancement Operations Manager
Communications abonanoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4778
Nancy Booth
Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) nboothFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4606
Jonathan Bowman
Academic Counselor
Advisement jbowmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4159 Building A 221
Jessica Brito
Assistant Director, Communications
Communications jbritoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4062 Building C/D 224
Dan Brookes
Business Developer, Gateway to Innovation
Gateway to Innovation dbrookesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5442 Culinary Conference Center 505
Kathryn Buckley
Assistant Professor, English | Assessment Coordinator (English and ESL)
Academic Foundations kbuckleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4165 Building C/D 208
Sabrina Bullock
International Student Assistant
Institutional Engagement and Excellence sbullockFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4128 Building A n/a
Gregory Burns
Associate Director of Safety and Security
Safety and Security gburnsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4082 Student Center M11
Lori M. Byrd
Director, Nursing Program (RN)
Nursing and Health Professions lbyrdFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4764
Michael Byrne
Strategic Marketing Director
Advancement and Communications mbyrneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4004
Ana Cabrera
Administrative Support Specialist
Testing and Assessment acabreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4193
Jonathan Cabrera
Instructor, Criminal Justice
Humanities and Social Sciences jcabreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4792
Ariana Calle
Associate Director of Hudson Helps
Hudson Helps Resource Center acalleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4188 Building A Third Floor
Domonique Callens
Administrative Support Specialist
Academic Affairs dcallenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4013 Building A n/a
Ronny Canales
Administrative Support Specialist
Chrissto Canales
Academic Counselor
Advisement ccanalesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4604 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 105A
Joseph Caniglia
Executive Director North Hudson Campus
North Hudson Campus jcanigliaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5346 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 702A
Denisse Carrasco
Coordinator, Finance and Technology Programs
Gateway to Innovation dcarrascoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5468
Shannonine Caruana
Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) scaruanaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5365 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703E
Brianna Casagrande
Associate Director of Career and Career and Transfer Pathways
Career and Transfer Pathways bcasagrandeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4225 Building A 302
Cheryl Cashell
Director of Radiography
Nursing and Health Professions ccashellFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4782 Building F 220
Jacqueline Castillo
Transcript Evaluator
Registrar jcastilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4137 Building A 113
Cesar Castillo
Safety and Security Coordinator
Safety and Security cacastilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4694 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 207
Samantha Ceballo
Academic Counselor
Advisement sceballoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4171 Building A MOD #3
Monika Chappilliquen
Assistant Professor, English
Academic Foundations mczekajFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5338 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703H
Janet Chavez
Executive Administrative Assistant
President's Office jchavezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4003 Building A 406
Nicholas Chiaravalloti
Vice President for External Affairs and Strategic Initiatives, and Senior Counsel to the President
External Affairs nchiaravallotiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4009 Building A 409
Zuany Chicas Martinez
Payroll Officer
Controller’s Office zchicasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4066 Building X 15
John Chisholm
Safety and Security Associate
Safety and Security jchisholmFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5375 Student Center Mezzanine
Jennifer Christopher
Assistant Vice President of Communications
Communications jchristopherFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4061 Building C/D 225
Lisa Cieckiewicz
Coordinator, Admissions and Recruitment, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions lcieckiewiczFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4765 Building F 117
Christopher Ciely
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO
Finance ccielyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4059 Building X 9
Marta Cimillo
Administrative Support Specialist
Center for Online Learning mcimilloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4037 Gabert Library 612
David Clark
Dean of Student Affairs
Student Affairs dclarkFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4189 Student Center 216
Patricia Clay
Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Information Technology Services (ITS) pclayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4351 Building A 315
Christopher Cody
Instructor, History | Chair, All College Council
Humanities and Social Sciences ccodyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4793
Heather Connors
Assistant Professor, English | Academic Foundations ENG/RDG 071 and 072
Academic Foundations hconnorsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4373 North Hudson Campus (NHC) N703F
Haide Contla
Program Assistant
Secaucus Center hcontlaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4388 Secaucus Center 118
Christopher Conzen
Executive Director, Secaucus Center and Early College Programs
Student Affairs cconzenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4030 Building J 106
Peter Cronrath
Associate Professor, Business | Coordinator, BCH Assessment
Business, Culinary, Hospitality pcronrathFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5334 Culinary Conference Center 222E
Inez Cruz
Instructor & Clinical Coordinator, Radiography
Nursing and Health Professions icruzFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4781
Salvador E. Cuellar
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Humanities and Social Sciences scuellarFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4734 STEM 306B
Steve D'Agostino
Systems Consultant (Ellucian)
Information Technology Services (ITS) sdagostinoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4322 Building A 308
Maurice Dasent
Lead HVAC/Oiler Mechanic
Facilities mdasentFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4097 Student Center 004
Saba Daud
Lab Technician
STEM sdaudFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5357 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 509
Sharon A. Daughtry
Instructor, Business
Business, Culinary, Hospitality sdaughtryFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4379 Culinary Conference Center 222A
Karine Davis
Coordinator, Accessibility Services
Institutional Engagement and Excellence kdavisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4163
Shuang De Jesus
Academic Counselor
Advisement sdejesusFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4237 Building A 217
Jani Decena-White
Assistant Professor, Humanities and Speech
Humanities and Social Sciences jwhiteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4657
Patrick Del Piano
Safety and Security Coordinator
Safety and Security pdelpianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4091 Student Center M10
Michelle DeLaFleur
Interim Director of Patron Services
College Libraries mdelafleurFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4353 Gabert Library 212
Jacquelyn Delemos
Administrative Assistant, Accessibility Services
Institutional Engagement and Excellence jdelemosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5397 Gabert Library Lower Level
Claudia Delgado
Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Coordinator, Basic Mathematics
Anthony Deschamps
Support Analyst, NHC
Information Technology Services (ITS) adeschampsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4314 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 309
Heather DeVries
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Assessment | Accreditation Liaison Officer
Academic Affairs hdevriesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4660 Building A 415
Moses Dindial
Controller’s Office mdindialFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4052 Building X n/a
Lisa Dougherty
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment
Student Affairs ldoughertyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4111 Building A 109
Lauren Drew
Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level III (Intermediate)
English as a Second Language (ESL) ldrewFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4743 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703K
TaraLyn Dugan
Communications Coordinator
Communications tduganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4063 Building C/D 226
Aycha Edwards
Assistant Director, Institutional Research
Institutional Research and Planning aedwardsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5329
Sean Egan
Assistant Professor, English | Coordinator, English and Literature
Academic Foundations seganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4672 Building C/D 108
Glennis Ehi
Senior Accountant
Controller’s Office gehiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4046 Building X n/a
Issam El-Achkar
Professor, Mathematics and Electronics Engineering Technology | Coordinator, College Algebra
Kevin Eng
Systems Administrator
Information Technology Services (ITS) kengFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4318 Building A 308
Danitza Espinales
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid despinalesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4202 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 1st Floor
Andres Estrella Cifuentes
Senior Accountant
Controller’s Office aestrellaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4047 Building X n/a
Kenny Fabara
Director, Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs kfabaraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4377 Building J 205
Chastity Farrell
Assistant Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Continuing Education and Workforce Development cfarrellFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4262 Culinary Conference Center 504
Faiza Fayyaz
Science Laboratory Coordinator
Michael Ferlise
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Sociology and Anthropology
Humanities and Social Sciences mferliseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4675
Samuel Fernandez
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) Building X 4
Estefany Ferreira
Accountants Receivable Clerk
Student Accounts eferreiraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4100 Building A 104
Lisbety Ferrer Martinez
Executive Administrative Assistant
Student Affairs lferrerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4160 Building A n/a
Matthew Fessler
Dean of Enrollment
Enrollment Services mfesslerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4113 Building A 108
Jason Figueroa
Associate Director, NHC
North Hudson Campus jfigueroaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4624 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 105B
Fidelis Foda-Kahouo
Assistant Professor, Mathematics | Coordinator, Bridges to the Baccalaureate (B2B)
Kristofer Fontanez
Associate Director, Web and Portal Services
Advancement and Communications kfontanezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4340 Building C/D 232
Flordeliza Foster
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid lfosterFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4211 Building A 208
Ines Franco
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid ifrancoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4212 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 1st Floor
Darlery Franco
Assistant Dean
Testing and Assessment dfrancoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4191
Griselda E. Frane
Lecturer, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions gfraneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4759 Building F n/a
Mariana Fuentes
Library Associate, Technology
College Libraries mfuentesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4368 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 303C
Karen Galli
Assistant Professor
English kgalliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5344 Building J 305
Joseph Gallo
Associate Professor, Theatre and Film
Humanities and Social Sciences jgalloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5366 Building J 105
Diana Galvez
Associate Director, NHC | Co-chair of PACDEI
North Hudson Campus dgalvezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4608 North Hudson Campus (NHC) N702B
Delfin Ganapin
Administrative Support Specialist
Student Life and Leadership dganapinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4199
Gauri Gangaram
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership ggangaram5082FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Kelly Garay
Senior Lab Assistant
Information Technology Services (ITS) kgarayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4319 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 309
Carmen Garcia
Student Accounts Coordinator
Student Accounts cgarciaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4102 Building A 104
Veronica Gerosimo
Assistant Dean
Student Life and Leadership vgerosimoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4198
Robert Gioia
Facilities Worker
Facilities rgioiaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-702-5791 Student Center 04
Serina Gonzalez
Student Experience Communications Specialist
Enrollment Services sgonzalezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4129 Enrollment Services Enrollment Services
Evette Gonzalez
Administrative Support Specialist
Academic Affairs egonzalez2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4274 A Building
Andrea Goodwin
Office Assistant
Human Resources agoodwinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4073
Keirsten Gordon
Coordinator, Center for Business & Industry
Continuing Education and Workforce Development kgordonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4234 Culinary Conference Center 505
Elena Gorokhova
Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) egorokhovaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4609 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703E
Evani Greene
Student Success Coach, Finance and Technology
Gateway to Innovation egreeneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE Culinary Conference Center 506
Yvon Groeneveldt
Senior Lab Technician
Linda Guastini
Senior Executive Assistant
Academic Affairs lguastiniFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4012 Building A 416
Hope Guirantes
Administrative Assistant
Early College Program hguirantesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4031 Building J 108
Yavuz Birol Guner
Instructor, Computer Science/Cybersecurity
Tayyaba Hafeez
Instructional Technologist
Center for Online Learning thafeezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4041 Gabert Library 612
Omar Hamza
Student Services Assistant
Enrollment Services ohamzaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4115 Building A n/a
Angela Hebert
Assistant Professor, English
Academic Foundations aherbertFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4662
Nadia Hedhli
Professor, Biology
STEM nhedhliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4732 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703I
Brianna Heim
Customer Service Manager, CE
Continuing Education and Workforce Development bheimFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4246 Culinary Conference Center 504
Jenny Henriquez
Associate Director, Honors Program
Academic Affairs jhenriquezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4143 Building L 013
Afrodita Hernandez
Student Success Coach, Healthcare
Gateway to Innovation ahernandez1188FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5469
John Hernandez
Dean of College Libraries
College Libraries jhernandezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4361 Gabert Library 107
Miryam Hernandez
Accountants Receivable Clerk
Student Accounts mhernandezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4735 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 105L
Denzil Hinds
Senior Maintenance Mechanic
Facilities dhindsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4698 Student Center 09B
Zakia Hmamou
Instructional Designer
Center for Online Learning zhmamouFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4035 Gabert Library 612
Liliam Hogan
Manager Purchasing Services
Procurement and Purchasing lhoganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4686 Building X 14
Gabriel Holder
Assessment Coordinator & Instructor, Medical Billing & Coding
Nursing and Health Professions gholderFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4287 Building F F203
Karen Hosick
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Personal Fitness/Exercise Science
Nursing and Health Professions khosickFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4251
Mohammad Imam
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Emanuele Infurna
Facilities Worker
Facilities einfurnaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-456-3024 Student Center 004
Rebekah Isaac
Human Resources Office Assistant
Human Resources risaacFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4077 Building A N/A
Nydia James
Assistant Grants Officer
Advancement njamesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4025 Building C/D 216
Guerly Jean-Baptiste
Assistant Director
Testing and Assessment gjean-baptisteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4192
Shameka Jennings
Financial Aid Assistant
Financial Aid sjenningsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4208 Building A 212
Syeda Jesmin
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) sjesminFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4162
Paula Jnoville
Administrative Assistant
Registrar pjnovilleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4120 Building A n/a
Velino Joasil
Professor, Biology
Kadira Johnson
Basic Needs Social Worker
Hudson Helps Resource Center knjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4188 Building A Third Floor
Mackenzie Johnson
Senior Assistant Director, Advisement
Advisement mjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4177 Building A MOD #6
Nicole Johnson
VP for Advancement & Communications and Executive Director, HCCC Foundations
Advancement and Communications nicolebjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4069
Shaheedah Johnson
Hudson Scholars Academic Counselor
Advisement sjohnsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4161 Building A N/A
Darryl Jones
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs djonesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4011 Building A 417
Patricia Jones-Lewis
Professor, English and Humanities
Humanities and Social Sciences pjones-lewisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4375 Gabert Library 420
Machli Joseph
Assistant Director, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Continuing Education and Workforce Development mjosephFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5465 Culinary Conference Center 505
Charles Juiliano III
Safety and Security Coordinator
Safety and Security cjuilianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4098 Student Center M01
Robert Kahn
Director of Instructional Systems
Center for Online Learning rkahnFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4034 Gabert Library 612
Elham Kamali
Administrative Support Specialist
Academic Foundations ekamaliFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4382 Gabert Library 320
Ara Karakashian
Dean, Business, Culinary Arts, and Hospitality Management
Business, Culinary, Hospitality akarakashianFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4631 Culinary Conference Center 218B
Sean Kerwick
Associate Director, Supply Chain and Logistics, Center for Workforce Innovation
Continuing Education and Workforce Development skerwickFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4023 Culinary Conference Center 505
Sami Khouzam
Professor, Culinary Arts
Business, Culinary, Hospitality skhouzamFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4637 Culinary Conference Center 204B
Denise Knapp
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Human Services Pre-Social Work and Addictions Counseling
Humanities and Social Sciences knappFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5351 Gabert Library 420
Matthew Kolbusz
Associate Director of English as a Second Language (ESL) & Academic Foundations English (AFE)
Malcolm Kornegay
Senior Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) mkornegayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4329 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 319
Evgeniya Kozlenko
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level IV (High Intermediate)
English as a Second Language (ESL) ekozlenkoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4620 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703E
Kewal Krishan
Associate Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Coordinator, Basic Algebra
Jo Ann Kulpeksa
Enrollment Support Assistant
Enrollment Services jkulpeksaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4127 Building A n/a
Matthew LaBrake
Executive Director, Center for Online Learning
Center for Online Learning mlabrakeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4033 Gabert Library 612
Maria Lynette Lacson
Purchasing & Scheduling Coordinator
Business, Culinary, Hospitality mlacsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4644 Culinary Conference Center 112C
Theodore Lai
Professor, Mathematics | Advisor, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Jerry Lamb
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
Humanities and Social Sciences jlambFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4263 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703D
Leslie Lang
Director of Student Accounts
Student Accounts llangFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4106 Building A 106
Manuel Lendorf
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) mlendorfFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4313 Building X 4
Clive Li
Assistant Professor, Engineering Science | Contact, Advanced Manufacturing | Coordinator, Assessment
Christian Liebl
Administrative Support Specialist
Tutorial Services clieblFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4187
Marissa P. Lontoc
Instructor, Table Service
Business, Culinary, Hospitality mlontocFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4643 Culinary Conference Center 204A
Rossella Lopez
Admissions Advisor TFT
Enrollment Services rlopezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4134 Building A n/a
Danielle Lopez
Director of Accessibility Services
Institutional Engagement and Excellence dlopezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5337
Lawrence Louie
Senior Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) llouieFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4315 Building X 4
Jose Lowe
Educational Opportunity Fund Director
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) jloweFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4173 Building J 8
Azhar Mahmood
Associate Professor, Chemistry | Coordinator, Construction Management and Engineering Science
Julio Maldonado
Custodial Manager
Facilities jmaldonadoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4688 Student Center 09F
Willie Malone
Veterans Affairs Assistant
Institutional Engagement and Excellence wmaloneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4135 Building A n/a
Raffi Manjikian
Instructor, Chemistry | Vice-Chair, All College Council | Co-chair of PACDEI
Sharayah Manwah
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership smanwah9908FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Everett Mapp
Coordinator, Instructional Technology and Testing
Nursing and Health Professions emappFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4768 Building F 129
Lori Margolin
Associate Vice President, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Continuing Education and Workforce Development lmargolinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4242 Culinary Conference Center 504
Josh Mariscal
Hudson Scholars Academic Counselor
Advisement jmariscalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4179 Building A 215
Callie Martin
Instructional Designer
Center for Online Learning cmartinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4068 Gabert Library 612
Miranda Martinez
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership mmartinez8357FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Aura Matias
Administrative Support Specialist
North Hudson Campus amatiasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4612 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 702
Shaniqua Matos
Financial Aid Assistant
Financial Aid smatosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4207 Building A n/a
Patrick Mbong
Safety and Security Associate
Safety and Security pmbongFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4093 Student Center M02
Deseree McFarlane
Communications Coordinator
Communications dmcfarlaneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4064 Building C/D 222
Cecily McKeown
Instructional Technologist / Multimedia Specialist
Center for Online Learning cmckeownFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4067 Gabert Library 612
Craig M. Mclaughlin
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Psychology
Humanities and Social Sciences cmclaughlinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4739 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703J
Lester B. McRae
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Accounting
Business, Culinary, Hospitality lmcraeFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4646 Culinary Conference Center 222C
Frederick Medina
Customer Service Manager
Customer Service fmedinaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4689 Building C/D 103
Kenneth Melewski
Help Desk Manager
Information Technology Services (ITS) kmelewskiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4357 Building X 5
Sylvia Mendoza
Dean, Financial Aid
Financial Aid smendozaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4206 Building A 209
Linda Joy Miller
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language | Coordinator, ESL Level II (Low Intermediate)
English as a Second Language (ESL) lmillerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-7346 Building J 305
Hiram Miranda
Coordinator, Technology and Finance
Gateway to Innovation hmirandaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5470 Culinary Conference Center 506
Abdallah Mohammad Matari
Professor, Biology | Coordinator, Biology and Chemical Hygiene
Sharon Moise
Administrative Support Specialist
Business, Culinary, Hospitality smoiseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4639 Culinary Conference Center 218
Mona Mokdessi
Administrative Support Specialist
Secaucus Center mmokdessiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4388 Secaucus Center G-118
Timothy Moore
Library Associate, Technology
College Libraries tdmooreFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4366 Gabert Library 110
Patrick Moore
Professor, Psychology
Humanities and Social Sciences pmooreFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4668 STEM 306B
Katherine Morales
Director, Hudson Helps Resource Center
Hudson Helps Resource Center kmoralesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5431 Building A 311
Ana Moran
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid amoranFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4210 Building A 206
Victor Moruzzi
Instructional Designer
Center for Online Learning vmoruzziFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4039 Gabert Library 612
Michael Mory
Controller’s Office mmoryFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4050 Building X n/a
Milena Moscoso
Library Associate
College Libraries mmoscosoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4374 Gabert Library n/a
Alexis Muniz
Coordinator, Evening, Weekend, Offsite
Academic Affairs amunizFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4244 Culinary Conference Center 504
Mark Murray
Maintenance Manager
Facilities mmurrayFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4099 Student Center 09E
Jihan Nakhla
Assistant Professor, Medical Assisting Program
Nursing and Health Professions jnakhlaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4245 Building F 205
Shelley Naz
PT Instructional Technologist
Academic Affairs snazFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4044 Gabert Library 612
Crystal Newton
Student Services Assistant
Advisement cnewtonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4153 Building A MOD #10
Janine Nunez
Admissions Recruiter
Enrollment Services jnunezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4640 Culinary Conference Center 222D
Neivi Nunez
EOF Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership nnunez5216FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Fabiola Occean
Student Success Coach, Academic & Workforce Pathways Program
Continuing Education and Workforce Development focceanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5448 Culinary Conference Center 505
Priscilla Ochoa
Coordinator, Systems
Non-Credit Programs pochoaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5363
Amaalah Ogburn
Director of Faculty and Staff Development
North Hudson Campus aogburnFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4015 Building A N/A
Eric Okai
EOF Counselor
James Olivier
Facilities Worker
Facilities jolivierFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-344-7897 Student Center 04
Daniel Ondieki
Instructor, Mathematics
Victoria Orellana
Registrar vorellanaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4121 Building A 110
Daryl Osemwota
Academic Counselor
Advisement dosemwotaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4175 Building A 217
Nouara Oubraham
Library Associate
College Libraries noubrahamFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4369 Gabert Library n/a
Lauren O’Gara
Assistant Professor, English | ALP (ENG 073 and ENG 101)
Academic Foundations logaraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4254 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703H
Kevin O’Malley
Professor, Culinary Arts
Business, Culinary, Hospitality komalleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4641 Culinary Conference Center 204C
Angela Pack
Assistant Professor, Early Childhood Education
Humanities and Social Sciences apackFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4656 Gabert Library 520
Tejal Parekh
Assistant Director of EOF
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) tparekhFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4181 Building J 8
Aaron Patel
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) apatelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4326 Building X 4
Hital Patel
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid hpatelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4204 Building A 207
Courtney Payne
Assistant Professor, Culinary Arts
Business, Culinary, Hospitality cpayneFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4635 Culinary Conference Center 204A
Josianne Payoute
Director of Benefits and Compensation
Human Resources jpayouteFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4072 Building A N/A
Carmen G. Pelardis
Lecturer, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions cpelardisFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4761 Building F 113
Juan Peralta
Student Success Assistant
Financial Aid jperaltaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4215 Building A n/a
Rosa Perez
Admin Support Specialist EOF
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) rperezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4180 Building J 8
Diana Perez
Academic Lab Manager
Information Technology Services (ITS) dperezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4356 Building A 308
Raffaella Pernice
Professor, Biology | Coordinator, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Studies
Taramatty Persaud
Office Service Clerk
Customer Service tpersaudFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4691 Building C/D 103
Christine Petersen
Associate Director
Financial Aid cpetersenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4213 Building A 210
Mary Ellen Piel
Librarian, Technical Services
College Libraries mpielFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4355 Gabert Library 200
Doreen Pontius-Molos
Director, Mental Health Counseling and Wellness
Mental Health Counseling and Wellness dpontiusFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5451
Yeurys Pujols
Vice President for Institutional Engagement and Excellence
Institutional Engagement and Excellence ypujolsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4628
Sovi Pujols
Instructor, English
Josué Pérez
Instructor, Philosophy
Humanities and Social Sciences 201-360-5371
Mohammad Qasem
Assistant Professor, Physics | Coordinator, Higher Math (MAT-101 and above)
John Quigley
Executive Director, Safety and Security
Safety and Security jquigleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4080 Student Center M09
Eva Racine
Skills Simulation Lab Coordinator
Nursing and Health Professions eracineFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4769 N/A 107
Mohamed Rafiq Siddiqui
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Computer Science
Ahmed Rakki
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Mathematics
Fernelis Ramirez
Accountants Receivable Clerk
Student Accounts framirezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4103 Building A 104
Jennifer Ramirez
Part Time Accountants Receivable Clerk
Student Accounts jramirezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4100 Building A 104
Yvette Ramos
Administrative Support Specialist
Advisement yramosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4151 Building A MOD #5
Ismael Ramos-Penaherrera
Office Service Clerk
Customer Service iramos-penaherreraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4690 Building C/D 103
Qua'fayshia Ransom
Non-Credit ESL Coordinator, Healthcare Programs
Continuing Education and Workforce Development qransomFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5326 Culinary Conference Center 504
Christopher Reber
President's Office creberFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4001 Building A 404
Saudia Reid
Director of Patron Services
Maritza Reyes
Associate Director, Center for Adult Transition
Continuing Education and Workforce Development mreyesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5383 Culinary Conference Center 505
Gilda Reyes
Assistant Professor | Coordinator, Modern Languages, Speech and Communication Studies
Humanities and Social Sciences greyesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5345
Alexa Riano
Senior Executive Assistant to the President and Board of Trustees
President's Office arianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4002 Building A 405
Laurie Riccadonna
Professor | Coordinator, Studio Arts
Humanities and Social Sciences lriccadonnaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4678 Gabert Library 520
Edgardo Rios
Office Service Clerk
Customer Service eriosFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5324 Building C/D 103
Madeline Rivera
Executive Administrative Assistant
External Affairs mrivera2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4022 Building A 406
Lisa Rivera
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership lrivera6433FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Paula Roberson
Director, Center for Teaching, Learning and Innovation
Academic Affairs probersonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4775 Gabert Library 26
Jeff Roberson Jr
Director Contract & Procurement
Procurement and Purchasing jrobersonjrFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4054 Building X 8
Sonja Rodiger-Radovic
Instructor of ESL
English as a Second Language (ESL) srodigerradovicFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4749
Kathleen Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant, Radiography
Nursing and Health Professions krodriguezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4784 Building F 220
Eunice Roman
Program Assistant - Advanced Manufacturing, Career Advance
Continuing Education and Workforce Development eromanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5473 Culinary Conference Center 506
Rodrigo Romea
Coordinator, STEM and Business Tutoring Center
Academic Affairs rromeaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4036
Carrie Rong Xiao
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Business, Culinary, Hospitality cxiaoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4294 Culinary Conference Center 222E
Joselito Rosal
Nursing Admissions Advisor
Nursing and Health Professions jrosalFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4798 F 118
Royal Ross
Admissions Recruiter
Enrollment Services rrossFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4139 Building A n/a
Lana Rouse
Senior Systems Analyst (Ellucian)
Information Technology Services (ITS) lrouseFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4324 Building A 308
Harvey Rubinstein
Professor, English and Humanities
Humanities and Social Sciences hrubinsteinFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4679 Building I 207-B
Elizabeth Ryan
Assistant Director of Advisement, Data and Assessment
Advisement eryanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4156 Building A MOD #7
Hamza Saleem
Assistant Director, Enrollment Services
Enrollment Services hsaleem2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4118 Building A n/a
Nancy Saliba
Lecturer, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions nsalibaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4756 Building F 13
Suzette Samson
Recruitment Specialist
Nursing and Health Professions ssamsonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4767 Building F 115
Laura Samuelsen
Assistant Professor, Academic Foundations Mathematics | Assessment Coordinator (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Lotta Sanchez
Library Associate, Technology
College Libraries lsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4367 Gabert Library 110
Mirta Sanchez
Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of Institutional Engagement and Excellence
Institutional Engagement and Excellence msanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4618
Stephanie Sanchez
Communications Assistant
Communications ssanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4065 Building C/D 223
Nicole Sanchez
Controller’s Office nsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4717 Building X n/a
Diana Sanchez
Career and Transfer Coach
Career and Transfer Pathways dsanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4221 Building A 302
Christian Sanchez
Enrollment Support Assistant
Enrollment Services csanchezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4122 Building A N/A
Kayla Sandomenico
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership ksandomenico0120FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Hardik Sanghavi
Data Network Administrator
Information Technology Services (ITS) hsanghaviFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4317 Building A 308
Maria Lita Sarmiento
Alumni Manager, Gateway to Innovation
Gateway to Innovation msarmiento2FREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE Culinary Conference Center 506
John Scanlon
Associate Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning
Institutional Research and Planning jscanlonFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4771 Building C/D 227
Maria Schirta
Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) mschirtaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4616 Gabert Library 008
Gretchen Schulthes
Associate Dean of Advisement | Hudson Scholars Co-Lead
Advisement gschulthesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4168 Building A 223
Cathie P. Seidman
Professor | Coordinator, Criminal Justice and Homeland Security
Humanities and Social Sciences cseidmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4258 STEM 605A
Gunes Senturk
Instructor, Physics
Stephanie Sergeant
Coordinator, Human Resources
Human Resources ssergeantFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4075
Upasana Sethi-Pagan
Assistant Registrar
Registrar usethi-paganFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4124 Building A 111
Ridhdhi Shah
Coordinator, CE
Continuing Education and Workforce Development rshahFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4647 Culinary Conference Center 504
Willie Shirer
Senior Audio Visual Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) wshirerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4333 Building X 4
Andrea Siegel
Coordinator, Foundation Art Collection
Academic Foundations asiegelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4007
Geoffrey Sims
Controller’s Office gsimsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4045 Building X 7
Jay Singh
Web Developer
Advancement and Communications jsinghFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4316 Building C/D 232
Catherine Sirangelo-Elbadawy
Dean, Nursing and Health Professions
Nursing and Health Professions csirangeloFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4338 Building F 302
Richard Skinner
Associate Professor, English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language (ESL) rskinnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4619 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703K
Denzel Smith
Custodial Supervisor
Facilities dsmithFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4726 Student Center 010
Michael Smith
College Libraries mgsmithFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4344 Gabert Library 209
Bernadette G. So
Dean of Student Success
Center for Academic and Student Success bsoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4230 Building A 220
Leslie Soriano
Library Administrative Assistant
College Libraries lsorianoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4346 Gabert Library 214
Katherine Sorto
Career Advisor
Continuing Education and Workforce Development ksortoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5483
R.M. Stineman
Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs
Advancement rmstinemanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4006
Giovanni Stoduto
Facilities Worker
Facilities gstodutoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-320-5167 Student Center 04
Thomas Stokes
Development Manager
Advancement tstokesFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4773 C/D 217
Melanie Suarez
Admissions Advisor
Enrollment Services msuarezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4114 Building A n/a
Catherine Sweeting
English csweetingFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5341 Building J 105
Fatma Tat
Assistant Professor
Kevin Taylor
Facilities Worker
Facilities ktaylorFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-755-8325 Student Center 014
Sarah Teichman
Librarian | Secretary, All College Council
College Libraries steichmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4722 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 303A
Jeremiah Teipen
Professor | Coordinator, Computer Arts, and Digital Art and Design
School of Humanities and Social Sciences jteipenFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4674 Gabert Library 520
Kade Thurman
Instructor, Sociology | Coordinator, Sociology and Anthropology
School of Humanities and Social Sciences kthurmanFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5370
Sonny Tungala
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership ntungalajr6738FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Angela Tuzzo
Associate Director
Student Life and Leadership atuzzoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4197
Artur Ujazdowski
Instructor, ESL
English as a Second Language (ESL) Active+Directory Active Directory
John Urgola
Director of Institutional Research | Hudson Scholars Co-Lead
Institutional Research and Planning jurgolaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4770 Building C/D 229
Iqra Usmani
Financial Aid Advisor
Financial Aid iusmaniFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4201 Building A 205
Paola Valcarcel
Academic Lab Coordinator
Information Technology Services (ITS) pvalcarcelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4341 Building A 308
Jennifer Valcarcel
Associate Dean, Career and Career and Transfer Pathways
Career and Transfer Pathways jvalcarcelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4119 Building A 105
Ernestina Vargas
Library Associate
College Libraries evargasFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4721 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 303C
Lori Vega
Administrative Assistant, Nursing
Nursing and Health Professions lvegaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4766 Building F 115
Albert Velazquez
Support Analyst
Information Technology Services (ITS) avelazquezFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4328 Building X 4
Cristal Ventura
Peer Leader (PT)
Student Life and Leadership cventuraflores1995FREElive.HUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4195 N/A N/A
Michelle Vera
Instructor of ESL and Bilingual Instructor of Skills for Success
English as a Second Language (ESL) meveraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE Building C/D 112
Mildred Vera-Matich
Pension & Benefits Accountant
Controller’s Office mveraFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4056 Building X n/a
Michelle Vitale
Director of Cultural Affairs
Institutional Engagement and Excellence mvitaleFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4176
Alison Wakefield
Dean of Humanities, Social Sciences, English as a Second Language (ESL), and Academic Foundations English (AFE)
School of Humanities and Social Sciences awakefieldFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5364 Gabert Library 420
Richard Walker
Associate Director of Institutional Engagement and Excellence Training
Institutional Engagement and Excellence rwalkerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5398 Gabert Library L606
Susannah Wexler
Assistant Professor, English | Coordinator, College Composition I
Michael Whelpley
Associate Director, Open Educational Resources
Academic Foundations mwhelpleyFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4383
Tess Wiggins
Administrative Assistant
Nursing and Health Professions mwigginsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4267
Tamara Williams
Academic Counselor
Advisement twilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4183 Building A MOD #2
Albert Williams
Apprentice Program Coordinator- Advanced Manufacturing, CareerAdvance
Continuing Education and Workforce Development alwilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4255 Culinary Conference Center 505
Irma Williams
Associate Registrar
Registrar iwilliamsFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4116 Building A 112
Sharon Wilson-Harriott
Assistant Controller
Controller’s Office swilson-harriottFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4051 Building X 18
David Winner
Assistant Professor, English
Academic Foundations dwinnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4683 Gabert Library 520
Elana Winslow
Associate Professor | Coordinator, Business
Business, Culinary, Hospitality ewinslowFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4235 Culinary Conference Center 222C
Joycelyn Wong-Castellano
Academic Counselor
Early College Program jwongcastellanoFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-5378 Building J 108
Saliha Yagoubi
ESL/Bilingual Instructor
English as a Second Language (ESL) syagoubiFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4622 North Hudson Campus (NHC) 703F
Jing Yang
Director of Library Technology
College Libraries jyangFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4723 Gabert Library 109
Samaya Yashayeva
Assistant Director, Healthcare Programs
Continuing Education and Workforce Development syashayevaFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4239
Burl Yearwood
Abihail Yisrael
Career and Transfer Specialist
Career and Transfer Pathways ayisraelFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4234 Building A 302
Benedetto Youssef
Wajia Zahur
Associate Director, Enrollment Services
Enrollment Services wzahurFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4130 Building A 107
Imane Zehaf
Career and Transfer Specialist
Career and Transfer Pathways izehafFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4223 Building A 302
Veronica Zeichner
Vice President for Business and Finance/CFO
Finance vzeichnerFREEHUDSONCOUNTYCOMMUNITYCOLLEGE 201-360-4043 Building X 10
Name / Title Program / Office / School Email Phone Building Office

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